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Local Cucumbers (1lb) |LOCAL|


Cucumbers belong to the same family as melons and are technically a fruit.

Cucumbers have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and also contain high amounts of a group of phytonutrients called cucurbitacins, which have anti-cancer benefits. Their high moisture content makes them good for rehydrating the body.

Will keep for a few days in the refrigerator, even unused portions. Use cucumbers within a few days for best quality.

    Backyard Harvest

    Backyard Harvest was born in 2009 when Russ Ohrt, his family and a dedicated group of volunteers took on the challenge of starting an urban farm in Hamilton.  Since it's modest beginnings with just a few plots (or backyards:)) of land in the North End and Strathcona neighborhoods, Backyard Harvest has blossomed into a full fledge Urban farm.  Russ has become famous for his beautiful vegetables in the city, supplying some of the finer restaurants and small markets.  We are proud to work with the wonderful people behind Backyard Harvest.

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